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Re: ACLs

Emir Arslanagic <emir@cw.net> writes:

> Regarding ACLs, it is absolutely must for the backbone equipment to be able
> to filter passing through traffic in line speed, traffic to the box it-self
> is little bit less strict but that is why we have rate limiting and QoS.
> BTW many vendors do that this days in ASICS any way, it is not that
> difficult.

As far as I know, it *is* difficult for a certain vendor.  This vendor
sells most of its routing blades for a certain architecture with
hardly any filtering capability (maximum ACL length around 128
entries, if ACLs are supported at all).

> This could be described with two stamens:
> - Network equipment must provide a means of allowing and denying data flow
> based on a
> security policy.
> - Network equipment must provide a means of segregating data flow between
> networks, which
> does not share same security paradigm.

Without restriction on the kind of security policy that must be
implementable by the device, such requirements are untestable and
therefore less interesting (IMHO).