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Bill, at the BOF you mentioned that you thought there were problems
with 2.3.1 ("Comply With Relevant IETF RFCs on All Protocols
Implemented") as written.  The requirement itself currently reads

   Requirement. The device MUST fully comply with IETF RFCs for all
      protocols implemented.

The basic intent of this is to make it possible to fail devices
that claim to implement protocols RFCs but don't, or do but
twist them in some non-compliant way.  If you take a box
into the lab and find that it can't correctly establish
a TCP connection because of some funky bug/strange interpretation
of the RFC, it fails.

IF I recall correctly, the one question that was raised was "what
part of the RFCs" (MUST/SHOULD/MAY...) does this requirement require ?
My basic response would be "MUSTs" + compliance with the RFC on any
of the SHOULDs/MAYs implemented.

Thoughts ?  Rewording suggestions ?
