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more is more (ideas from NSPs)

I poked NSP incident response people about what they need on a
day-to-day basis and got the following input:

  > > > sho ip cache flow | incl freetext
  > > > sho ip cache verbose flow

Which got me thinking about IPFIX, but

  > > how important is local (on-the-box) analysis ("flow | grep foo")
  > > vs. getting the same data after export to a collection device ?

  > Sometimes one is away from the fancy systems and one has to ssh into the
  > rtr from some airport and determine what is going on.  on-the-box is very
  > important for immediate mitigation.

Which leads to reqs for

  - interactive login+CLI (dropped earlier/morphed into scripting requirement)
  - display of flow data locally (but what data ?)
  - ability to search flow data on the box ("support grep" ?)

  > > MRTG|RRD graphs

  - Which implies ability to collect data (what data, how collected).
