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Re: More BCP: revenge of RS232 and CLIs

On Thu, 23 Oct 2003 ericb@digitaljunkyard.net wrote:

>  "gj" == George Jones <gmj@pobox.com> writes:
> >> Requirement. The device MUST support complete configuration and
> >> management
> >> via an RS232 serial connection.
> >>
> >> X.y.3 Software flow control?
> >>
> >> Do we need to stipulate vt100/ansi/nansi terminal support?
> gj> Hmm.  My initial thought is no.   But it is opening that can of
> gj> worms.  And pointing out why netconf is a Good Thing (removing
> gj> just such abmigutity).
> I dislike curses based interfaces, and the associated, unscriptable
> garbage that results, and these are enabled buy advanced terminal
> types.  But certain features of the vt100 are useful (e.g. turning off
> echo for password prompts), and should be supported.
> Vt100 terminal emulation is about as ubiquitous as 9600N81.  I think
> language stating that the hardware vendor MAY require vt100 (and
> nothing more) for full CLI functionality over a serial line is
> acceptable.  Heck, even Windoze Hyperterm does VT100.
> ericb
> (who's shocked that he referred to VT100 as "advanced")

I'm not going to address user interface issues directly.
It just seems too tangental to security.
