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Re: More BCP: revenge of RS232 and CLIs

 "gj" == George Jones <gmj@pobox.com> writes:

>> Requirement. The device MUST support complete configuration and
>> management
>> via an RS232 serial connection.
>> X.y.3 Software flow control?
>> Do we need to stipulate vt100/ansi/nansi terminal support?

gj> Hmm.  My initial thought is no.   But it is opening that can of
gj> worms.  And pointing out why netconf is a Good Thing (removing
gj> just such abmigutity).

I dislike curses based interfaces, and the associated, unscriptable
garbage that results, and these are enabled buy advanced terminal
types.  But certain features of the vt100 are useful (e.g. turning off
echo for password prompts), and should be supported.

Vt100 terminal emulation is about as ubiquitous as 9600N81.  I think
language stating that the hardware vendor MAY require vt100 (and
nothing more) for full CLI functionality over a serial line is
acceptable.  Heck, even Windoze Hyperterm does VT100.

(who's shocked that he referred to VT100 as "advanced")