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Re: Definitions of "Console" and "CLI" expanded

--On Tuesday, November 25, 2003 10:19 AM -0500 George Jones <gmj@pobox.com> wrote:

I'm finishing off loose ends/respond to outstanding comments

One is trying to reconcile the "RS232 is old as dirt and just works"
style console with the reality that it's *starting* to go away, and a
ethernet based interface, possibly supporting its own IP stack and
HTTP/HTML interface could meet the console requirements.

I think the fact that certain manufacturers are starting to let this slip
away is a *BAD* thing.  Personally, I would rather NOT reconcile with
this, as I don't believe it provides a reliable solution.

Ethernet plus an IP stack is a much more complicated interface with many
more points of failure possible. The console port is for those times that
communication absolutely positively has to work or you completely lose control
of the device. These are circumstances in which you usually face at least
one other form of network failure already.

The total cost to putting a serial port in a box these days is usually
under $20.  Even ZyXEL in their "toaster" products has a serial port on
most of them (all of the more recent models).  If you have a CLI, there's
really little or no additional software required for serial.

As to full-featured HTML as an option to replace CLI, it's not.  The need
for a full-featured CLI is not only to deal with Serial, but, also to make
it possible to make global management of lots of devices scriptable without
having to depend on the manufacturers central management system.

Frankly, of what is below, I'm not sure what 2.3.3 means, 2.3.4 seems
on the surface to be a good thing, and I agree with 2.4.5.  The rest,
in my opinion, are a road paved with good intentions.


Attempted reconciliation below.

  - Definition of "console" broadened.
  - 2.3.2 Support A Simple Default Communication Profile On The 'Console'
  - 2.3.3 'Console' requires minimal functionality of attached devices.
  - 2.3.4 'Console' Supports Fall-back Authentication
  - 2.4 Configuration and Management Interface Requirements
    definition of "CLI" broadened to include full function HTML
    as long as it meets the other 2.4 reqs
  - 2.4.5 CLI Supports Idle Session Timeout
    (per Don Smith)

Feedback/synthesis sanity check requested.

---George Jones

2.3 Out-of-Band (OoB) Management Requirements

   See Section 2.2 for a discussion of the advantages and disadvantages
   of In-band vs. Out-of-Band management.

2.3.1 Support a 'Console' interface

   Requirement. The device MUST support complete configuration and
      management via a 'console' interface that functions independently
      from the forwarding and control planes.

   Justification. There are times when the device *must* be managed or
      configured, even when the network is unavailable, routing and
      network interfaces are incorrectly configured, the IP stack and/or
      operating system may not be working (or may be vulnerable to
      recently discovered exploits that make their use impossible/
      inadvisable), or when high bandwidth paths to the device are
      unavailable.  In such situations, a console interface can provide
      a way to manage and configure the device.


      *  One example would be an RS232 (EIA232) interface that provides
         the capability to load new versions of the system software and
         to perform configuration via a command line interface. RS232
         interfaces are ubiquitous and well understood.

      *  Another example might be a simple embedded device that provides
         HTTP+HTML management and configuration access via an Ethernet
         interface independent of functioning of the forwarding and

Jones, Editor Expires May 25, 2004 [Page 10]

Internet-Draft Operational Security Requirements November 2003

control planes.

   Warnings. The console interface is valuable insofar as it is simple
      and available when other management mechanisms are not. The
      simplicity and availability can be reduced by dependencies on the
      functioning of other portions of the device (control+management
      plane), the need for complex/non-standard communication
      parameters, the need for complex/non-standard physical cabling, or
      the need for non-standard/proprietary clients.

2.3.2 Support A Simple Default Communication Profile On The 'Console'

   Requirement. The device MUST support a simple default profile of
      communications parameters on the 'console'.  These communications
      parameters MUST be published in the system documentation.  While
      it MAY be possible to change the communication profile, if this is
      possible then there MUST be a method defined and published for
      returning to the default configuration.

   Justification. A simple, standard profile minimizes confusion and
      maximizes the chances of successful and well understood recovery
      practices. This profile follows the principals of "least surprise"
      and "Be liberal in what you accept and conservative in what you


         The following is a profile widely used for RS232 console
         connections: the only required signals SHOULD be Transmit Data
         (TD), Receive Data (RD) and Signal Ground (SG). Other signals,
         SHOULD NOT be required (e.g. RTS, CTS, DSR, etc.). Data Carrier
         Detect (DCD) SHOULD NOT be required to create a session, but
         existing sessions should terminate on HIGH to LOW or HIGH to
         FLOAT transitions to prevent unauthorized users from gaining
         access to existing sessions. The default settings SHOULD be
         9600bps, 8 bit data, no parity, one stop-bit (9600 8n1).
         Sending a break would be one way to signal that the
         communications parameters should be reset.

         In the case of a dedicated IP-based Ethernet 'console', the
         default IP address, netmask and broadcast addresses must be
         known as well as port numbers for HTTP servers, etc.  Possible
         defaults might be, and port 443 for an HTTPS
         server.  A physical toggle switch on the device might provide a
         way of resetting the default parameters.

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Internet-Draft Operational Security Requirements November 2003

Warnings. The default RS232 profile described above does not support hardware flow control.

2.3.3 'Console' requires minimal functionality of attached devices.

   Requirement. The 'console' interface MUST place minimal requirements
      on attached devices.  It MUST support attached devices that have
      minimal, standard functionality.  The 'console' MUST NOT require
      proprietary devices, protocol extensions or specific client

   Justification. The purpose of having the console interface is to have
      a management interface that 'just works' at all times.  Requiring
      complex or nonstandard behavior on the part of attached devices
      reduces the likelihood that the console will 'just work'.


      *  If the console is supplied via an RS232 interface, then it
         should function with an attached device that only implements a
         "dumb" terminal. Support of "advanced" terminal features/types
         should be optional.

      *  If the console is implemented via HTTP/HTML, then it should be
         possible to use browsers (or scripts) that implement a minimal
         subset of standard HTTP/HTML...in current terms this might mean
         supporting text-only browsers.

Warnings. None.

2.3.4 'Console' Supports Fall-back Authentication

   Requirement. The 'console' SHOULD support an authentication mechanism
      which does not require functional IP or depend on external
      services.  This authentication mechanism MAY be disabled until a
      failure of other preferred mechanisms is detected.  In the event
      of fall-back AUTHENTICATION, the interface MUST either implement a
      locally defined AUTHORIZATION profile or consider all commands to
      be AUTHORIZED. This mechanism SHOULD be implemented as a fall-back
      if the preferred authentication method is not "LOCAL".

   Justification. It does little good to have a console interface on a
      device if you cannot get into the device with it when the network
      is not working.

Jones, Editor Expires May 25, 2004 [Page 12]

Internet-Draft Operational Security Requirements November 2003

Examples. Some devices which use TACACS or RADIUS for authentication will fall back to a local account if the TACACS or RADIUS server does not reply to an authentication request.

   Warnings. This requirement represents a trade-off between being able
      to manage the device (functionality) and security. There are many
      ways to implement this which would provide reduced security for
      the device, e.g. a back door for unauthorized access. Local policy
      should be consulted to determine if "fail open" or "fail closed"
      is the correct stance.  The implications of "fail closed" (e.g.
      not being able to manage a device) should be fully considered.

2.4 Configuration and Management Interface Requirements

   This section lists requirements that document current best practice
   in device configuration and management methods.  In most cases, this
   currently involves some sort of command line interface (CLI) and
   configuration files.  It may be possible to meet these requirements
   with other mechanisms, for instance a script-able HTML interface that
   provides full access to management and configuration functions.  In
   the future, there may be others (e.g. XML based configuration).

2.4.1 CLI Provides Access to All Configuration and Management Functions
2.4.2 CLI Uses Existing Authentication Mechanisms
2.4.3 CLI Supports Scripting of Configuration
2.4.4 CLI Supports Management Over 'Slow' Links
2.4.5 CLI Supports Idle Session Timeout

   Requirement. The command line interface (CLI) or equivalent mechanism
      MUST support a configurable idle timeout value.

   Justification. Network administrators go to lunch.  They leave
      themselves logged in with administrative privileges. They forget
      to use screen-savers with password protection.  They do this while
      at conferences and in other public places.  This behavior presents
      opportunity for unauthorized access.  Idle timeouts reduce the
      window of exposure.

   Examples. The CLI may provide a configuration command that allows an
      idle timeout to be set.  If the operator does not enter commands
      for that amount of time, the login session will be automatically

Warnings. None.

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