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>> draft-sterman-aaa-sip-00.txt
>> As far as I can see, there has been no work on this draft in quite a
>> while. Is there any interest in continuing to work on it?
>  There are multiple interoperable implementations, so it looks pretty
>much done.  However, I believe it's subject to MITM attacks, so it
>probably needs updating.

What about trying to contact the authors? 

>> draft-moskowitz-radius-client-kickstart-00.txt
>> Little progress recently on this.  Any interest in moving forward?
>  There are many networks where administrators have been using bad
>hacks to support clients with dynamic IP's.  e.g. Shared secrets for an
>entire network, looking up clients based on RADIUS attributes, etc.
>  This proposal addresses a problem which currently exists in the
>deployment and use of RADIUS.  I'm in favour of moving it forward.
>  I don't, as yet, have comments on the other drafts.
>  Alan DeKok.
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