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Re: Bof at next IETF?

> > >But at the last meeting, I remember 
> > > that a significant number of people thought it would be best 
> > > for the WG to be AAA Extensions, not just RADIUS extensions, 
> > > but we haven't discussed that on the mailing list.

This does seem like a good thing to discuss.  Seems to me that
it would be beneficial to have some way of enforcing forward
compatibility from RADIUS to Diameter.  A working group with
both protocols in its purview might provide that venue for
enforcement- or at least awareness.  Also, most of the work
item areas are solution oriented, not protocol specific. 

I believe ITU-T is looking favorably at applying 3GPP's IMS
architecture to DSL & Cable.  That leads me to believe that
more Diameter applications will be on the way.  If AAA-WG is
going to shutdown, we need an area for these new AAA applications
to develop.


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