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Re: draft-jones-radius-geopriv

schofenig Hannes wrote:

> hi henning,
> do you remember our discussions in the washington interim meeting? there we
> considered the http proposals for distributing location information. andrew
> daviels proposed a custom location information format. there we argued that
> we have to consider privacy issues (and therefore our results of the geopriv
> working group). the geopriv working group decided to build their location
> objects based on xml (and also the policies). some size considerations go
> along with it (also with the usage of s/mime).

That's putting it rather mildly... Given the trivial structure for the basic PIDF privacy information, I'm not convinced that we always need the full generality of a GML object. I'd like to hear a technical, rather than procedural, argument for disallowing that. (In HTTP, the size argument was largely a non-issue.)

There might be more general value in a restricted format, as it could be applicable to other limited-functionality and bandwidth/size-constrained cases. There is clearly precedent for coding information in multiple formats; the DHCP drafts are examples of that.

The other alternative is http://www.w3.org/TR/wbxml/, but that 'note' comes with warning labels that indicate that this is not exactly a future-proof effort.

> regarding your dhcp example: the dhcp scenario is a little bit different to the radius/diameter example
> since the location information which is distributed is not only about the
> visited network but rather about the user (and also used in this sense).

It would be a trivial exercise to embed the privacy flags into a TLV encoding.

I have nothing against XML, but I'm worried about declaring it a religion where any questioning of its universal applicability is considered sacrilege.

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