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RE: RADEXT charter, Take 8


You said you wanted to look at specific issues:
Specifically looking at ARAP-Password and the attributes in Sterman or Prepaid
All these uses seem to gather related information together.
The only difference is the way the encoded the various Sub-Attributes that they contain.
ARAP uses fixed length encoding, while Prepaid and Sterman use TLV encoding. 
ARAP doesn't break dictionaries.
Given the above I don't see what the problem is?


At 10:22 AM 3/25/2004 -0500, Nelson, David wrote:
Parviz Yegani writes...

> Why do you think that there is consensus against encoding
> multiple data elements in a string attribute?

Why?  Because RADIUS has always had a very simple, straightforward
encoding of data elements in AVPs, in TLV format.  One data element; one

> I agree with Wolfgang and others that someone must
> show that structured string attributes would break existing
> (standard-compliant) Radius implementations.

Hmmm...  I guess if the evidence presented to date does not convince
you, then it entirely possible that you will never be convinced.  Maybe
it has to do with how one defines "break".  I define it as (a) deviation
from the established protocol model, and (b) requiring changes to the
protocol parsing engine of RADIUS implementations (as opposed the
changes in the semantics enforcement engine, which is obviously required
each time a new data element is introduced).

> I agree with Avi's comment above that a string attribute containing
> multiple elements of data
> is already in common use in RADIUS and DIAMTER, no?

For what definition of "common"?  Do you mean within RFCs approved by
IETF Standards Action?

-- Dave

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