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RE: Is it okay to break RADIUS? (was RADIUS V2)

Avi Lior writes...

> Oh please!!!
> After months of telling me and others that our "sub-types" attributes
> breaking RADIUS - when they were clearly NOT.

Given the definition of "break" that we were using at that time
(maintaining compatibility with data dictionary driven implementations)
and given that there was no standard method of encapsulating sub-types
within IETF standard attributes, I think my previous statements were

> You of all people should not make statements such as this.

I fear you are starting to personalize the issues.  I am relaying a
statement of the current WG and charter direction as driven by the IESG,
in my capacity of Co-Chair.  This is one of those "tell it like it is"
statements.  I see no reason why you should feel me disqualified to pass
along this information.

-- Dave

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