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[Issue ] Editorial cmts on Chargeable User Identity

Editorial Comments on Chargeable User Identity (-01)
Submitter name: Greg Weber
Submitter email address: gdweber@cisco.com
Date first submitted: October 12, 2004
Reference: n/a
Document: ChargeIUD-01
Comment type: E
Priority: S
Section: Various
Rationale/Explanation of issue:

I noticed a number of problems while reading this draft.
Correcting these will make the draft a little less likely
to confuse, and in some cases more correct.

.) The References are slightly jumbled. Section 1.1 has
   a reference to [RFC2119] but there is no citation in Section 7.
   Likewise Section 2 refers to [RFC 3588, NASREQ] without a
.) Section 7 needs to be split into Informative and Normative
.) There are a lot of disallowed control characters- all those
   curly quotes and em-dashes.
.) References to RADIUS attribute names are inconsistent, e.g.:
   UserName (1)
   Likewise for Class and for "Chargeable-User-Identity".
   I'd suggest you make this consistent in the style of 3579/3580.
.) Likewise as above for RADIUS Packet Types, e.g. Access-Request.
.) In Section 2.1, under String, under "02", should that "URL" be
   a "URI"?
.) Does the IANA Considerations Section need to mention setting up
   a registry for the "User-Identity types", e.g. E.164, IMSI?

Proposed Resolution: 
  I think correcting these issues would assist readability.
  Using XML2RFC, as originally suggested in the RADEXT charter
  would help with some of these. :-)

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