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Issue -- draft-ieft-radext-chargeable-user-id-00

Description of issue: Use of Chargeable-User-ID attribute in
Access-Request Messages
Submitter name: Dave Nelson
Submitter email address: dnelson@enterasys.com
Date first submitted: December 10, 2004
Reference: (N/A)
Document: draft-ietf-radext-chargeable-user-id-00.txt
Comment type: T
Priority: 1
Section: 2.1
Rationale/Explanation of issue:  Unless and until the RADEXT WG decides
to enhance RADIUS to include Capabilities Negotiation (as it exists,
e.g. in PPP), we need to continue to rely on Capabilities Advertisement.
Advertisement has been a standardized part of RADIUS, in the form of
"hint" attributes in Access-Request messages, since its inception.
There has been discussion on the mailing list that suggests we ought
define Capabilities Negotiation for new attributes that are considered
mandatory (or conditionally mandatory) such as Chargeable-User-ID.  In
order to drive this issue to a resolution, I am suggesting a change to
the draft to make Capabilities Advertisement a strong SHOULD.
Length description of problem:  (see above)

Requested change: Change the following text in Section 2.1:

"The NAS MAY include the CUI attribute with a null character for its
data field in the Access-Request message to indicate its support for
this attribute to the home RADIUS server.  In cases where the home
RADIUS server cannot determine the NAS support for the CUI, if the
home RADIUS server requires the NAS support for CUI for any reason
(e.g., for billing or charging purposes), the home RADIUS server MUST
reject the request by sending an Access-Reject message including an
Error-Cause attribute [RFC3576] with value (to-be-defined) (decimal),


"The NAS SHOULD include the CUI attribute with a null character for its
data field in the Access-Request message to indicate its support for
this attribute to the home RADIUS server, unless deployment specific
constraints dictate that the home RADIUS server has some other reliable
means to determine that the NAS supports this attribute.  Such means
might include out-of-band configuration.  In cases where the home RADIUS
server cannot determine the NAS support for the CUI, if the home RADIUS
server requires the NAS support for CUI for any reason (e.g., for
billing or charging purposes), the home RADIUS server MUST reject the
request by sending an Access-Reject message including an Error-Cause
attribute [RFC3576] with value (to-be-defined) (decimal),

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