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Issue -- draft-ieft-radext-chargeable-user-id-00

Description of issue: Editorial Nits
Submitter name: Dave Nelson
Submitter email address: dnelson@enterasys.com
Date first submitted: December 10, 2004
Reference: (N/A)
Document: draft-ietf-radext-chargeable-user-id-00.txt
Comment type: E
Priority: 1
Section: <various>

Requested changes:

(1) /s/Chargeable User Identity/Chargeable-User-ID/

This conforms to standard practice for RADIUS attribute name format.

(2) Section 2.  Since RFC3576 is referenced in Section 2.1, it probably
ought to be added to the list of RFCs in Section 2.

(3) Section 2.1.  On page 6 the value of CUI-Type field "05 - reserved"
should probably be "05-FF - reserved".

(4) Section 4.  The IANA Considerations should also include:

    -- a new value to be assigned for Error-Case attribute [RFC3576]

    -- a mechanism for registering new values of CUI-Type (this

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