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RE: Conflicting RADIUS && EAP retransmits (was re: Issues & Fixes..)

  How about adding the following text at the bottom of 2.1.2:

  "Implementations that do not use this algorithm are often restricted
to having an EAP Identifier space per NAS, or perhaps one that is global
to the implementation.  These restrictions are unnecessary when the
above algorithm is used, which gives each session a unique EAP
Identifier space.  The above algorithm SHOULD be used to track EAP
sessions in preference to any other method.
This looks good.

  Should we talk about EAP duplicate detection in a RADIUS document?  Or
just say something about RADIUS as a transport protocol?
I agree that the proposed text is awkward.  I'd rather focus solely on 
duplicate detection within RADIUS.
The question in my mind was whether the algorithm in Section 2.1.2 also 
enabled RADIUS duplicate detection to take place on a per-session rather 
than a per-NAS basis.  That was the tradeoff that Jouni was referring to in 
his message.

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