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Re: Proxy State and RFC 3576bis

Bernard Aboba wrote:
> [Alan DeKok]  Yes.
> [BA] This suggests that paragraphs 3 and 4 in the text below are not
> correct. Any suggestions on how we can fix it?

  Before I do that, it would appear that my recommendation here is
opposite to what RFC 3576 says.  Are we OK with changing the
recommendation in -bis?

  That is, do current implementations behave as per RFC 3576?  If so, I
would prefer to maintain inter-operability.  The text can then be left

  If not, then the implementations do not use Proxy-State, and I would
prefer to replace the paragraphs with other text explaining why
Proxy-State is not used.  The text in RFC 3576 permits implementations
to receive Proxy-State, but to not forward it.  Maybe the
implementations have chosen that method.

  My preference is to have one recommended method of operation, rather
than 2-3.

  I'd like to get clarity on those questions before submitting suggested

  Alan DeKok.

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