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Re: [RRG] RRG Meeting in San Diego


- Discussion: Does the RRG have a continuing purpose or should it be reformed/discontinued.

The RRG has been dormant for far too long and the IRSG chair, Aaron Falk, has questioned whether it might not be better to discontinue life support.

I think that the scope of this group is very relevant and i would really like to see the group continue its work I am aware that there haven't been much activity lately, but i guess that with the new challenges that the internet routing scalability for instance, there will be more activity in this area and in particular in this forum

Regards, marcelo

I am not sure what to answer - on one hand I have trouble giving up, but on the other, I don't seem to be getting anywhere. While it is obvious that the need for routing research is real, not much of it has been happening in relation to this group. There are probably lots of reasons for this and some people have contacted me about research they are doing but which they don't want to make public - reasons ranging from fear of ridicule to fear of academic theft. And while there are a good number of people on the mailing it is unclear whether any are on the list to do research - the argument is that most are on the list just to make sure they find out what, if anything, anyone else might be doing. This meeting seems a good time to take stock and discuss whether there is a good reason to keep this group alive in its current form.


Anyone else who has some research they wish to report on should contact me soon with topic and references. And if you already contacted me and I forgot to list you, please forgive me and remind me.

BTW: I had proposed bringing in a co-chair, but in discussion with Aaron, we decided to postpone doing that until we were sure that there was enough life in the RRG.


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