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Re: [RRG] Requirements Draft

Hi Avri and all,

Avri Doria wrote:
> The comment period went by with only one comment which was addressed in
> the reissued draft.
>> http://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-irtf-routing-reqs-06.txt
> I am unable, however, to distinguish between silent approval, attention
> fatigue or disinterested boredom.
> I have received two offline comments (both of which are anonymously
> indirectly quoted )
> - the document is worthwhile and should be published
> - the document has been OBE (overcome by events - with the implication
> that it should be forgotten).
> I wonder if anyone on this list is willing to comment, hopefully,
> substantively on these opinions.

I'm also in favor of publishing it, because it's documenting
the view at that time when the groups were active. There is
still value in this, even if some stuff is already obsolete.
There are some editorial comments that clarify which
things changed meanwhile. So it would be good to hear a
detailed rationale for the second opinion, but it should
be nevertheless published IMHO.

Just my 2 cents,

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