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Re: [RRG] Tunnel fragmentation/reassembly for RRG map-and-encaps architectures


 > of "magic" all the problems that motivated development of CEF would
 > disappear in the context of ITR/ETR caches ?  And if they would not

You don't do packet-time population of the cache like CEF did. In LISP, you do packet-time Map-Requests, but the Replies populate the cache at control-plane time. That is the difference, subtle but important.
But the subtle difference also is that before the reply for such request 
is received you have two choices:
* drop packets /* not saying this is bad .. just static the facts when 
comparing to today's FIB approach */

* forward it to practically non existent and managed by unknown entity virtual GRE based LISP-ALT topology ...
I like APT proposal much more robust in that respect enforcing that all 
ISPs have a default mapper and locally packets undergo just two stage 
tunneling process if topologically required.

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