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Re: [RRG] Tunnel fragmentation/reassembly for RRG map-and-encaps architectures


A mapping cache is a fine and tractable object IF AND ONLY IF the
working set at that location is tractable.
Definitely a key architectual observation, although I'd rephrase it  
explicitly (although this is no doubt what you meant with your  
version) as:

"A mapping cache is a fine and tractable object IF AND ONLY IF the working set at that location is enough smaller than the full map that the savings are significantly larger than the overhead (complexity, etc) of having a

I disagree here, a bit. It's possible to make the full map tractable and in that case, the cache is still tractable. It would provide no savings over the full map at that point. There are other architectural drivers that might still make it the preferred approach.

So there are two questions. The first is 'is this the case here'?

It is in some cases. Certainly in the SOHO kind of setting, the working set is likely to be trivially small. However, (and Dino is the one who pointed this out) there are a number of large content providers that have content that has extremely broad distribution, are exceedingly latency sensitive, and thus would have a working set that's effectively the full map.

The second
is, 'if not, is it practical to keep the full map'? Because if the answers
are 'no' and 'no', it's back to the drawing board....

That very much goes to the granularity of the map. If you go to a per-host map, then I have some concerns. It would make things very expensive. However, the number of places that would have this level of expense is very, very small. Architecturally, it might still fly.

So what about the first question? I think for a lot of ITR's (and maybe almost all), this could be true. (Although this is just a guess, and could be way wrong. For instance, spam and port-scanning seem to be from everywhere, to everywhere, and that will blow the caches. Although since those are all incoming traffic, if we design the system so that incoming requests carry, as an optimization, the reverse mapping, we'd be OK, in terms of load on the
resolution system.)

Anyway, for 'normal' users, for smaller sites, even when you integrate across
a number of users, they are communicating with only a fraction of the
endpoints in the Internet anyway.

For another (and I think this is a more important factor), as the Internet grows and the Web has a lot more content in other languages, you'll see a natural splitting up of the user population into communities of interest; English-speakers aren't going to be looking at a lot of sites in Mandarin,
etc, etc.

One thing that could throw a monkey wrench into this is if we see a lot of
cross-group hosting; i.e. web servers which contain content in many
languages, so that even if the user communities are disjoint, they may be
interacting with a single shared substrate of servers.

So except for the Googles of the world, maybe caching will work?

Yes, I have to agree. In fact, if you can make the system carry the reverse mappings (do they need to be secured?) you might even make the Googles work.

The obvious counter-point is going to be 'well, why doesn't caching work in the routers, then'? I think that's because (especially in core routers) the traffic aggregation as you go up the transmission hierarchy (think of it as
the same as going from surface roads up to high-speed limited-access
highways) naturally brings up a bigger set of sources and destinations. E.g. in the US there's a lot of 'through' traffic (q.v. all the razz-ma- tazz in the US about eavesdropping on transit traffic from a non-US-source to a

That's correct. At the edge of the network, the working set will be far smaller because you have a much smaller cross section of sources and destinations. In the transit case, you'll simply die.
Note that we also saw this with netflow.  ;-) ;-(

a) I'm in favor of caches in some places and b) I'm against them in
More detail? Remember, there are no 'core ITR's'...

Again, it's all about the working set. Normal enterprises should be cacheable. Google's might not be. Comcasts would be cacheable, but you have to put the cache in the PE box, not the CE because the end user can't manage it.
No, what I saw was a total mess of mechanisms, with no coherency.
Is coherency in the eye of the beholder? Systems with radically  
operating points are going to look radically different.

As long as each operates well, they don't interfere with one another, and there is a good algorithm/whatever for deciding which one to use in a given
situation, is it a problem if they are very dissimilar?

Something that looks like three different systems still looks like three different systems. What we're talking here is a smooth continuum of solutions with a common infrastructure. There was no dial that you could set for "light", "normal", and "heavy duty".

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