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[RRG] The Map-Encap "third party" problem

William Herrin wrote:
 The problem is a spam-like asymmetry.

 The problem with spam is, one party pays (the ISP delivering mail, and
 the end user ultimately) for the benefit of another party (the spammer).
That is a remarkably insightful description of BGP PI as it exists today.
Actually, I was referring to the ITR/ETR model. The ITR bears a large burden of the operation costs, scaling, performance, etc, while the benefit goes to the "other" guy at the ETR end - the multi-homed guy.
However, thinking about that, made me realize there is a *huge* issue on 
the operational aspect of any
tunnel-based solution.

As soon as the packets are tunneled, you lose visibility on what is happening.
And if you aren't the guy doing the tunneling, you *really* lose 
visibility, and in turn, accountability,
the ability to localize and diagnose problems, and generally you are 
left twisting in the wind
if anything goes wrong. Which it will.

But, unlike, say, VPNs, this isn't a localized set of sites, in a closed community. This is the whole Internet,
getting to your site.

The lack of visibility means you are now dependent on not only your local-end ISPs, but also lots of third
parties, with whom you have *no* contractual relationship.

It also opens up the "net neutrality" thing to abuse, on a much grander scale. If you can't prove that someone is doing something fishy (e.g. by showing traceroutes), what chances are there that you can protect yourself from systematic abuse or extortion by providers? The ability to measure performance is the common denominator that makes it possible to guarantee a level playing field. ITR/ETR removes that completely.
There are alternatives to ITR/ETR architectures that may be feasible and 
may scale adequately.
IMHO, it behooves us to pay more attention to those alternatives.

Brian Dickson
P.S. I've discussed an alternative before - I'll do so again in the near future if there is interest expressed...
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