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Re: [RRG] NTP and various proposals.

On Feb 25, 2008, at 9:48 PM, William Herrin wrote:

Plug it in to your favorite map-encap scheme

That would be the null set.  ;-)

However, to be fair, the issue that you have is with ALL mapping schemes, not just map-n-encap. Everything that relies on a cache is going to have a working set and size issues.
and and factor for the
need to keep the cache entry current and accurate during that 18
minute span of inactivity. Now ask the right question: not is it
possible in general but is it possible for that inactive cache
increase to be cost-effective?

Entirely possible. The real question is how much state needs to be stored. That depends on the scope of the mapping resolution box. Having a DNS server with a cache that's more than 18 minutes deep doesn't sound so horrible to me, if the scope of that server is constrained to some smallish [say O(1000)] number of hosts.

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