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RE: [RRG] Are host-stack modifications allowed or disallowed ?

> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-rrg@psg.com [mailto:owner-rrg@psg.com] On Behalf Of
> Herrin
> Sent: 05 March 2008 02:58
> To: tony.li@tony.li
> Cc: Routing Research Group
> Subject: Re: [RRG] Are host-stack modifications allowed or disallowed
> On Tue, Mar 4, 2008 at 9:26 PM, Tony Li <tony.li@tony.li> wrote:
> > |End users have been doing TE for as long as they've had access to
> >  |competitive offerings. It is not a thing to be feared.
> >
> >  Agreed, but reality intrudes.  The entity forwarding the traffic is
> largely
> >  in control of what the next hop should be.  While it's not
> for
> >  everyone on the path to express an opinion, the basic architecture
> >  hop-by-hop forwarding means that the instantaneous decision made
> now
> >  may or may not take those varying opinions into account.
> Hi Tony,
> Ultimately, the user has the power because he has the off switch. I've
> heard a rumor that customer churn is a burning problem for ISPs. It
> seems obvious (to me at least) that the more options you can give the
> user between "on" and "off," the better chance you have of retaining
> him as a paying customer.
> How much control should the user have over his routing? Exactly as
> much as practical and no more.

This reminds me of philosophical discussions in mobility community about
network vs terminal controlled handover. The user (terminal) has the
ultimate power because they can always move to another operator.
However, it's a leap to say that therefore mobile-controlled handover is
the correct way of doing things (eg GSM took a different view & did
network controlled - I doubt if many users cared one way or the other!)

Best wishes

> >  If a solution provides an influence
> >  mechanism, but the ISP can choose to disregard it, is that
> From a purely philosophical standpoint, I argue that's backwards. The
> ISP should provide the routing nudge which the user can choose to
> disregard. Think of it like driving a car: the roads tend to funnel me
> towards the Interstate highway and I normally go the direction they
> lead but I can choose back roads any time I feel like it and nobody
> says, "stop."
> Regards,
> Bill Herrin
> --
> William D. Herrin                  herrin@dirtside.com  bill@herrin.us
> 3005 Crane Dr.                        Web: <http://bill.herrin.us/>
> Falls Church, VA 22042-3004
> --
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