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Re: [RRG] Are host-stack modifications allowed or disallowed ?

On 5 mrt 2008, at 20:10, Tony Li wrote:

Some folks have proposed a hybrid architecture in the past that allowed
both, but it (rightfully) went over like a lead balloon.
Lead balloons turn out to be more feasible than previously thought.  :-)

|> To give the end
|> user complete control over the path, we need to revert to a fully
|> connection
|> oriented Internet.  No thanks.  ;-)
|Can you clarify?  What if the intentions stated by the end user are
|only advisory?
If they are advisory, then the ISP may ignore them.  It was previously
asserted that this would be unacceptable.
Isn't that what contracts, SLAs and the like are for? If you give your  
packets to someone, presumably you think they'll take good care of  
them. If they consistently don't, stop giving them the packets. That's  
the only way you can be absolutely sure they won't be doing the bad  
things to them.
The argument "traffic engineering desires by both ends and/or the  
middle may conflict so it's useless to even try to make this work" has  
never convinced me. Yes, conflicts will happen, but most of the time  
people don't care so they won't mind following the preferences of the  
other end/middle.
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