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Re: [RRG] Are we solving the wrong problem?

|This is interesting stuff but mostly orthogonal to routing (alas). It
|allows endpoints to manage their congestion and do simple TE.  It
|doesn't allow more sophisticated policy, avoid renumbering, etc. (see
|the RRG design goals).

Doesn't it obviate the need to advertise PI prefixes in the first place?
I think so, in the end of the day.  It makes re-numbering a non- 
issue, as even active connections will trivially survive.  But the  
transition will be long..... (15 years?)
Hence, if we want to move there (which I think we do), we need some  
interim solutions and a roadmap.
Already a few years back in the Amsterdam SHIM6 interim meeting we  
decided to make SHIM6 and HIP header-compatible in the hope that that  
would make such a roadmap easier to explore.  And now I see all this  
work by Christian V. et al on Six/One to look at the same problem  
from a different angle, moving the host functionality into the  
network (as I tried to outline in the now expired "generix" draft:  

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