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re: [RRG] Happiness; lack thereof

> -----邮件原件-----
> 发件人: owner-rrg@psg.com [mailto:owner-rrg@psg.com] 代表 Michael Meisel
> 发送时间: 2008年3月7日 23:05
> 收件人: Xu Xiaohu
> 抄送: Routing Research Group
> 主题: Re: [RRG] Happiness; lack thereof
> Xu Xiaohu wrote:
> >> I also did some worm-related troubleshooting and my intuition tells me
> >> that something will surely explode in such an architecture. Just a
> >> feeling, probably because you'll have to keep too much state per
> >> packet or because end hosts will get another leverage over the routers
> >> in terms of operations per packet...
> >
> > Reasonable, the default mapper will have to maintain a huge
> > status statistics table. What's the estimated amount of statistics for
> > default-mapper?
> Hi Xiaohu, I don't believe the default mapper needs to understand
> anything about flows. When it gets a packet from an ITR, it simply
> examines the destination address and replies with a mapping, meanwhile
> encapping and forwarding the packet to the destination. Once the ITR
> receives the mapping, it doesn't make use of the default mapper again
> until it has another cache miss.
> The default mapper keeps a small amount of state to ensure that it only
> responds once (or maybe twice) to a burst of traffic for the same (ITR,
> destination prefix) pair.
Hi Michael,

What you said is right. I should have said the ITR should maintain
per-source-destination-pair statistics table as an attack-proof method.

Best wishes,
Xiaohu XU

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