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Re: [RRG] Happiness; lack thereof

Xu Xiaohu wrote:
I also did some worm-related troubleshooting and my intuition tells me
that something will surely explode in such an architecture. Just a
feeling, probably because you'll have to keep too much state per
packet or because end hosts will get another leverage over the routers
in terms of operations per packet...
Reasonable, the default mapper will have to maintain a huge per-flow-based
status statistics table. What's the estimated amount of statistics for each
Hi Xiaohu, I don't believe the default mapper needs to understand
anything about flows. When it gets a packet from an ITR, it simply examines the destination address and replies with a mapping, meanwhile encapping and forwarding the packet to the destination. Once the ITR receives the mapping, it doesn't make use of the default mapper again until it has another cache miss.
The default mapper keeps a small amount of state to ensure that it only 
responds once (or maybe twice) to a burst of traffic for the same (ITR, 
destination prefix) pair.

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