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Re: [RRG] yetAnotherProposal: AS-number forwarding

On Mar 9, 2008, at 11:40 PM, Lars Westberg wrote:

I haven't had time to make a draft but I think it make sense for the discussion. However, I don't know if it already have been discussed so....
The proposal are simple: re-use AS-numbers into the forwarding of  
packets such that prefixes could be aggregated per AS. One simple  
implemetation is that the packets are tunneled and that the tunnel- 
address is associated to a AS-number. The AS-numbers can be assigned  
to the IP-addresses by DNS or by define a small address-prefix to AS- 

in an ideal world, yes having AS number as part of address used for  
routing has great benefit.  see the slide from a talk in 2006 (http://www.cs.ucla.edu/~lixia/0612Australia.pdf 
, but ignoring the title), slide 17 & 18 is about this.
If we had a chance to influence address structure, you'd want to  
include other info in addition to AS (as large ASes span large areas,  
TE would want more info to do better job).
we have another paper (http://www.cs.ucla.edu/~rveloso/papers/ 
giro.pdf) showing the benefit for including location info (which  
should be a subfield after AS number)

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