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Re: [RRG] Comments on draft-lewis-lisp-interworking

LISP-NAT can work along side PTRs nicely, I can describe how this works in more detail if there is interest. But the trade off in this space is that PTRs allow for sites not to have to deal with Interworking, at the
cost of connections inbound to the site potentially having stretch.
LISP-NAT allows site independent Interworking, with the (pretty well
understood) limitations of NAT.
I was afraid you'd say that ;-). I think there will be a lot of  
to a solution that require v6-v6 NAT; we pretty much know NAT is
inevitable to deal with IPv4 address space, but it would be very
distressing to have non-reversible mappings in the IPv6 address
space. LISP has the nice property of reversing the mapping in
general, and I don't like any solution that loses it.
With IPv6 and a single allocation for the global EID-prefix space, we  
can use PTRs very efficiently by injecting a single route from 100s of  
So we don't have to use NAT for IPv6.


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