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re: [RRG] Consensus check: mapping granularity

> -----邮件原件-----
> 发件人: Olivier Bonaventure [mailto:Olivier.Bonaventure@uclouvain.be]
> 发送时间: 2008年3月20日 11:17
> 收件人: Xu Xiaohu
> 抄送: tony.li@tony.li; 'Routing Research Group'
> 主题: Re: [RRG] Consensus check: mapping granularity
> Xu,
> >>> The identifier to locator mapping function should support mapping
> > entries
> >>> for both host identifiers and their aggregates.
> >> For scalability reasons, I would propose to define this requirement as
> >> follows :
> >>
> >> The identifier to locator mapping function MUST support mapping entries
> >> for aggregates of identifiers. It MAY also support mapping entries for
> >> host identifiers.
> >
> > Hi Tony and Olivier,
> >
> > Does this requirement imply that the identifier must be a hierarchical
> > (not flat label) so as to be aggregatable?
> I don't think that a hierarchy is necessary. What is required is a
> mapping system that deals with blocks of identifiers and not with
> individual identifiers.

Hi Olivier,

Let's take an example, can the host identifier (flat label) in HIP or i3
meet the above requirement of the mapping system?

Best wishes,
Xiaohu XU

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