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Re: [RRG] On "jack-down" models


A couple of remarks.

To be fair, there are several approaches to this that (arguably)
are pretty similar:

1) SHIM6
2) GSE/8+8
2b) ILNP
3) Mark H's proposal to modify TCP/UDP behaviour so that the
   network-layer information is not part of the Transport layer
   session state.
Please add to the list HIP mobility & multi-homing, see RFC5201- 
RFC5206 (as they appear any day now).
In some ways, this reminds me of ancient discussions ("Layer Wars")
about the difference between changes at the top of the
network layer and changes at the bottom of the transport layer.
And, besides, e.g. John Day convincingly argues that the "layer  
boundary" between network and transport is a mistake (and I concur  
with him).  [1]
And even there ephemeral, crypto-strong node-to-node
identifiers may be very useful.  However, I do think that a HIP-like
intermediate step towards such architectures is probably very useful.
The above quoted material is unclear to me.  Given that all keys are
eventually compromised, I would not want my identity to be some
f(public key or some other key) -- so that a key compromise does not
always lead to a loss of identity.
First, identity != identifier.  Second, have you missed all that I've  
written about delegation and HIP?

[1] John Day. Patterns in Network Architecture. Prentice Hall. January 2008.

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