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Re: [RRG] RRG process clarification

On  6 May 2008, at 18:59, Robert Bonomi wrote:
Looking strictly at methodologies for change, the available options are:
  1) 'Replacement.'  Tear out the old-style infrastructure and  
replace it
     "in toto".

2) 'Translation.' Allows old-style end-points to communicate with new- style end-points *IF* a suitable 'gateway' is interposed "somewhere.
  3) 'Encapsulation.'  Implement an arbitrary new-style layer  
     what the end-users see.  This preserves/presents the  
'appearance' of
     the old-style protocol to the outside world, _while_ being free  
     do  "whatever seems appropriate" in the infrastructure,  
*without* any
     visible impact (except possibly indirectly, in a performance  
     to external users.
4) Make changes that are incrementally deployable -- and do so
   in a backwards compatible way.  Hypothetical Example: define
   a new option or flag that indicates the TCP checksum does not
   include location information for that session.  If the option
   is not present, fall back to the old way of doing things to
   maintain interoperability.  Permits gradual transition to a
   new naming architecture that decouples transport-layer state
   from the location or point of network attachment or interface
   being used at a particular instant in time.



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