In einer eMail vom 20.06.2008 18:42:50 Westeuropäische Normalzeit schreibt
We need an architecture that solves the scalability problem in routers, IMO v6 ( and v4) must be made compatible with an architecture which solves
the scalability problem - and not the other way around.
Recommendation: Try GOOGLE MAP, search for a route from New York to San
Francisco and scroll along the blue path such closely zoomed so that you
can see the entire tightly meshed network of the roads and streets. You
may notice, that the internet is much lesser meshed and much smaller - and yet
there is no scalability problem at all, only smarter routing technology.
And we could do smarter routing too, well by adequate routing technology
(smartest (!!!) topology aggregation) and not by entering that we want to visit
some friends, and please find out by yourself, that these friends live in San
Going for a long-term solution means giving up address aggregation from the
90s. It is the wrong paradigm. Not smarter address aggregation but smarter than
Dijkstra routing is needed.