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A Mirage is not an Ocean....Re: ocean: do not boil

IPv6 users are like people on boats yelling to people on land that they (on the boats) are on land.
The boats may get larger, but they are still floating and not land.
The boats may become islands for people from the continents to visit, but few will.
It is much easier to add a second story and more to all of the places on the continent...
...as opposed to trying to convince people they need to move to a boat and an island for more space...
...people do not see that the risk has a pay-off....
...especially when obvious expansion solutions are in in front of them...
...as the islands regress and become boats, the boats can be moved ashore and mapped to land...
...some can continue to stand at the wheel of their boat and **think** they are on the ocean...
...put them in the desert and let them look at the mirages in the heat of the day and they will be fine...
...full-steam ahead....the S.S. ICANIC is ready to launch...