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Re: getaddrinfo address ordering [Re: IPv6 transition architecturediscussion]

On Wed, 27 Nov 2002, Stig Venaas wrote:
> > Programs should _never_ have a preference, if they do they
> > should ask for an AF_INET or AF_INET6 that's enough preference already
> > :)
> > I am against having the AI_PREFER4/6 as this would be too program
> > specific and one needs to recompile to get it out.
> I agree, we really should avoid this. I think adding even more
> complexity to getaddrinfo() is a bad idea. And not only does it
> take time to deploy, but it might also be hard to change the
> applications later. This is really something the sysadmin should
> be able to choose, there is no default that fits all.

There are more layers than that, e.g.

 - "if I have an app and install it anywhere at all, I have no way of 
knowing whether the system has implemented A,AAA preferation method -- so 
I'll just ship it with AF_UNSPEC + AI_PREFERV4, so people can run it with 
'app v6host', 'app -6 v46host' or 'app v46host' without problems, it'll 
always fall back to v4 if it doesn't know better"

 - "my app is special and is really only usable in v6 context; I'd prefer 
it to use v6 even though whatever's configured in A,AAAA preferation 
method. AF_UNSPEC + AI_PREFERV6 could handle that"

Ie. I'd like the app writers to be able to write "v6-safe" code.  Code 
that, when run or compiled on nearly any system, would produce code that's 
safe to be used in v4-preferring environments _regardless of_ whether the 
app user's box even has any A,AAAA preferation method.

But I can very well like with stuff like AI_PREFER* -- we just need the
toggle to change the ordering of A,AAAA records when using AF_UNSPEC ASAP,
if not yesterday.  If we could manage to get that deployed fast enough, 
and v4 preferred widely enough, perhaps in 1-2 years people could start 
shipping v6-enabled apps, waiting for the site admins decision to prefer 
v6 instead when they're confident enough to do so.

Pekka Savola                 "Tell me of difficulties surmounted,
Netcore Oy                   not those you stumble over and fall"
Systems. Networks. Security.  -- Robert Jordan: A Crown of Swords