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RE: Review Requested: SMTP IPv6 operational experience document


> -----Original Message-----
> From: itojun@itojun.org [mailto:itojun@itojun.org]
> Sent: maandag 26 januari 2004 14:13
> To: pekkas@netcore.fi
> Cc: v6ops@ops.ietf.org
> Subject: Re: Review Requested: SMTP IPv6 operational 
> experience document
> > ==> this draft should also include the IPR and the 
> copyrights sections at the end.
> 	in my understanding (and from past experience) copyright section is
> 	added by RFC editor, am I right?  and is IPR section mandatory?
> 	(from my past experience it was not)
Officially RFC Editor will do that.
But in general I (and many others) prefer that the editor/author of a 
document adds it right away.

As soon as the new IPR RFCs take effect, the statement probably needs
to be somehwta different though... but we can deal with that when we
get there.

> itojun