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Re: Opportunistic Tunneling

> Obviously, this requirement is different if your own ISP is offering
> this kind of service, or you're entering a contract with the ISP, but
> the whole point of this "opportunistic" discussion was being able to
> cope in the scenario when your ISP does NOT offer IPv6 services, and
> you not being required to "fill any forms" to get IPv6 connectivity.

Should I take the above to be the definition of "opportunistic tunneling"?
I'm struggling to understand the motivation for inventing this category thus
having a definition of what it means would be helpful.

Can you also clarify what "fill in any forms" means. Last time I installed
software (I think it was a new version of realplayer) I was asked to register
with name and email address. I wouldn't be surprised if the same thing
is the case when I e.g. upgrade an operating system.
So why is this considered to be too cumbersome given that users already
do it?

Based on my current understanding the "opportunistic" tunneling as a category
doesn't make sense to me.

Once I understand your perspective better I'll try to respond to your other
