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Re: Opportunistic Tunneling

>  2) 6to4 and Teredo (to a lesser degree AFAIK) are pretty anonymous
> services.  When someone abuses using those addresses, there is no ISP
> "hosting" the service which would get abuse etc. reports, get
> blacklisted if someone behaves badly, etc. -- on the other hand, if
> the ISP offers the service to outsiders using its RIR address space,
> this will certainly lead to all kinds of nasty administrative
> actions.. sooner or later raising the question, "why are we even
> providing this kind of service to outsiders for free, if we get
> nothing but trouble!?!"

	as mentioned in (already expired) transition-abuse draft, 6to4 relay
	routers (provided by ISPs) will get abused by malicious parties, and
	ISPs get blamed for the traffic being generated by the abuse.  i
	strongly disagree with the above statement.
