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Re: Opportunistic Tunneling


Marc Blanchet wrote:

- define high?. XML takes more bytes than binary. But XML is more

Yes, the tradeoff between efficiency and extensibility is a familiar one and worth noting.

TSP/XML gives you the ability to negociate things that are
useful/required for some scenarios, such as DNS names, dns delegation,
prefix delegation, etc.. Pros and cons.

But, these things can also be negotiated in other ways. As you say, pros and cons.

So, if nodes require short-lived tunnels and/or many tunnels to many
different endpoints there could be a significant efficiency advantage
in using the "low road" mechanisms. Whether this can be seen as
a measure of "opportunism" I cannot say?

looks more as how many bytes you care about consuming for your control connection. Remember that TSP is only involved at the setup of the tunnel. So the cost is pretty low compared with the traffic itself.

The key point here is amortization of the control traffic wrt the user traffic. For short-lived tunnels and/or dynamic management of many tunnels to many different endpoints, the amout of control traffic would seem to matter.

Thanks - Fred