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Re: Need for TSP? RE: Tunneling scenarios and mechanisms evaluation

On Thu, 11 Mar 2004, Soliman Hesham wrote:
> => I have a question that is somewhat related to this thread. Why
> isn't L2TP a credible, secure, tunnelling mechanism to be used? Do
> we really need a brand new protocol? L2TP is widely implemented and
> deployed.
> If this question was raised before I'd appreciate a pointer to the
> discussion. Hesham

It was raised before, when I first sent a pointer to STEP.

I'm not 100% sure of the conclusion.  It seems like L2TP architecture
is relatively heavy-weight (UDP tunneling, PPP, L2TP service
architecture, etc.), except when the ISP and the client is already
using it for some other purpose.

I think it's a scenario worth recommending, to those who have already
deployed the requisite architecture, but I have a feeling that for
ISPs that just want to set up something quickly and simply, with as
little overhead as possible, it may be a bit too heavy.

Now -- if I (personally) had to choose between the current TSP and the 
current L2TP architecture, I think the set-up etc. is in the same 
order of magnitude.  But (personally) I'd like to have a more 
zero-config solution for the tunnel service..

Pekka Savola                 "You each name yourselves king, yet the
Netcore Oy                    kingdom bleeds."
Systems. Networks. Security. -- George R.R. Martin: A Clash of Kings