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Re: IETF59 minutes and presentations


I just wanted to clarify one remark that was (correctly) attributed
to me during the Thursday session:

Fred: If the question is must we have one solution, then I am cautious. but can we find one solution, I would say yes.

By "one solution", I was referring to the possibility of a _unified_ solution which might include aspects of several mechanisms, i.e., not necessarily just a single mechanism. (Perhaps this is the same as what Pekka referred to as a "hybrid" solution?)

While I believe such a unified solution is possible, I have
no way of predicting a timeframe and believe it is important
that we continue to gain experience with mechanisms at-hand.

Fred L. Templin

Pekka Savola wrote:


(co-chair hat on)

The minutes and presentations have been made available at:


Please send corrections, omissions, etc., to the chairs within a week
(by Mar 19).
