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Re: IETF59 minutes and presentations

<x-tad-bigger>From the minutes:
- Unmanaged user wants to do p2p with another
Direct "short-cut" connectivity very important
If no support from the direct ISP
Automatic tunneling works automatically: Teredo requires "Server" with
low b/w reqs
Tunnel broker would help, if the users could find a free broker nearby
If there would be incentive for broker deployment, a "nearest broker
process would also help
Unless the user is really determined, the user is lost without
automatic tunneling

==> I do not see how this scenario is fundamentally different
from the road warrior using IPv4 on a dial-up modem.
In many cases, he can call a well known centralized 1-800 number
that will create a suboptimal long path or he will have a phone number
for a local PoP, that will hopefully provide shorter RTT.
There is no 'find me the nearest PoP' protocol here.

If we look at a tunnel broker as a virtual IPv6 ISP,
can someone point me how things are different?

- Alain. </x-tad-bigger>