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Re: ND-proxy applicability in Unmanaged [Re: WG Last Call: draft-ietf-v6ops-unmaneval-01.txt]

> SEND nodes are still capable to use SEND when they're (all) behind the
> same ND-proxy.  Obviously, when they work in the "transition" mode,
> they will also process non-SEND messages, such as those that originate
> beyond ND proxy.  So, you can actually use a degree of SEND with
> ND-proxy, but I think it does not work *through* the ND proxy.  
> Depending on where you deploy it (and where you deploy the SEND
> nodes), this may be relevant.

Assuming you don't know which hosts implement and use SEND this is
equivalent to saying  it works when all the routers and all the hosts are 
on the same side of the ndproxy. Since nothing connects to the other side 
of the ndproxy I think you can disconnect the ndproxy as well.

> Luckily enough ND-proxy is not going to be IETF standard, but
> Informational :).  Nobody has bothered to document (different flavors
> of) proxy-ARP, but that's there in the similar way as well -- without
> spanning tree, and seems to be working whereever it's used.

The IPv6 WG charter has:
Jun 04  Submit Proxy RA to IESG for Proposed Standard.

So we are not that lucky unless something changes.
