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Re: new I-D - DHCP solution

Hi Daniel,

Thanks for your comments. I will work on your inputs about the DHCP in the next release.

I must recognize that we went more in-deep in the anycast one because we believe it could be the best, but we didn't want to discard others, and indeed will be very happy to have some contributors in the other possibilities to produce a non-biased document.

The other reason is also because anycast is already in use for 6to4, and the ideal solution will be one that is valid for 6to4, TB, TS, Teredo, may be ISATAP, and other mechanism. At this was we can have a single host supporting several transition mechanism, acting as the Tunnel End Point for all of them (I call this simply TS, Tunnel Server, to simplify), and probably making easier the transition because we will need to deploy less boxes with more functionalities and at the same time offering more solutions that facilitate somehow the interworking of clients using different mechanisms.

As you say, DHCP is a very good one, but requires updating the DHCP client to support the new option, and may be this is less practical, but I must say this is a quick thought and we need to go further to make a balanced decision. Also remember that not always we are using DHCP, and for example, the DHCP server at the ISP might provide it to the customers, but in the IPv4 world, most of the customer networks have their own NAT box, with their own DHCP server, that not necessarily is reading (and getting updated) the ISP DHCP server info (and if this is the case, this router should be also upgraded to support the new DHCP option).

I will be happy to heard new inputs from your side when you have some more time.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "S. Daniel Park" <natpp00@kornet.net>
To: "JORDI PALET MARTINEZ" <jordi.palet@consulintel.es>; <v6ops@ops.ietf.org>
Cc: "???" <soohong.park@samsung.com>
Sent: Friday, April 16, 2004 6:05 PM
Subject: Re: new I-D - DHCP solution

> Jordi, this draft is very interesting and here are some comments on this.
> As you cited in this draft, I already proposed a DHCP solution
> to provide IPv6-over-IPv4 tunnel service on the dual host.
> In Scenarios, I think DHCP can satisfy their needs simply
> for example: finding a nearest tunnel and load balancing, with
> simple extensions (e.g., configured tunnel end-point option,
> nearest TB address option and so on...). Regarding load balancing,
> DHCP already had it on the server side.
> Typically, we live near the DHCP servers not just one
> location and if they provide available tunnel end-points (or TB)
> in their local area, all host will make use of the best tunnel service.
> Of course, all host must have this function.
> After very very roughly reading it, I feel this draft has a bias
> toward anycast solution. Is it your intentional approach or
> anything else ?
> I will let you know more comments after looking into it.
> Regards.
> - Daniel (Soohong Daniel Park)
> - Mobile Platform Laboratory, Samsung Electronics.
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "JORDI PALET MARTINEZ" <jordi.palet@consulintel.es>
> To: <v6ops@ops.ietf.org>
> Sent: Friday, April 16, 2004 11:05 PM
> Subject: new I-D
> Hi,
> As part of the work that we are doing, as already indicated by Pekka a few
> weeks ago, we sent yesterday a 1st version of the "Evaluation of v6ops
> Auto-discovery for Tunneling Mechanisms".
> For the impatiens, we have uploaded it at
> http://www.consulintel.euro6ix.org/ietf/draft-palet-v6ops-tun-auto-disc-00.txt.
> Please, let's know your inputs so we can update it quickly, as we will like
> to submit at least a new version before next meeting.
> Regards,
> Jordi
> **********************************
> Madrid 2003 Global IPv6 Summit
> Presentations and videos on line at:
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