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Re: draft-ietf-ngtrans-isatap-21.txt

I've some problem with section 8:

  8. Neighbor Discovery for ISATAP Interfaces

   ISATAP nodes use the neighbor discovery mechanisms specified in
   [RFC2461] to create/change neighbor cache entries. ISATAP interfaces
   also implement the following specifications:

I don't see how a neighbor cache entries would get created. You cannot
run normal RFC2461 neighbor discovery on ISATAP interface to detect
link layer addresses: ISATAP interface does not support multicast!

I think all references to neighbor cache could be removed (there is no
need for link layer addresses). Like, in section 8.4

  8.4 Address Resolution

   The specification in ([RFC2461], section 7.2) is used. ISATAP
   addresses for which the neighbor's link-layer address cannot
   otherwise be determined (e.g., from a neighbor cache entry) are
   resolved to link-layer addresses by a static computation, i.e., the
   last four octets are treated as an IPv4 address.

Change above just into

  8.4 Address Resolution

   ISATAP addresses are resolved to link-layer addresses by a static
   computation, i.e., the last four octets are treated as an IPv4

A corollary to above is: ISATAP IPv6 "nexthop address" is always based
on one of the PRL addresses.