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RE: draft-durand-v6ops-assisted-tunneling-requirements-00.txt

Title: RE: draft-durand-v6ops-assisted-tunneling-requirements-00.txt

This draft looks good for me and
I second it should be an WG item.

One question:

4.1 Address Allocation

Why did you restrict the prefix length as /128 ?
Prefix delegation is not considered in this manner ?
In non-authenticated mode, prefix (maybe /64) can
be delegated to its customers IMHO.

with minor editorial comments.

2. Applicability
Althought the main focus of this document is the ISP scenario,

4.4 Security Threat Analysis
The un-authenticated mode relies on out of band authentication.
s/un-/non- (?)

6.8 Phase Out
connecting a customer, there is no reason to keep using tunnels. So
the tunnel-setup protocol must have a provision to enable the ISP to
signal the user to use native IPv6 instead.
s/tunnel-setup protocol/tunnel set-up protocol

- Daniel (Soohong Daniel Park)
- Mobile Platform Laboratory, SAMSUNG Electronics.