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Re: draft-durand-v6ops-assisted-tunneling-requirements-00.txt

On Apr 23, 2004, at 6:03 AM, S. Daniel Park wrote:

This draft looks good for me and
I second it should be an WG item.

Thank you for your comments.

One question:

4.1 Address Allocation

Why did you restrict the prefix length as /128 ?
Prefix delegation is not considered in this manner ?
In non-authenticated mode, prefix (maybe /64) can
be delegated to its customers IMHO.

In the current document, /64 prefix allocation is not mandatory.
Our opinion as author was that the non-authenticated mode
was meant to be used in a try-out environment only and
connecting only one node was enough.
In our opinion, any more than that would require authentication.
But this is only one opinion, I would like to get more feedback on this point:

Would ISP be willing to deploy IPv6 tunnel service in this non-authenticated mode
on production networks?

- Alain.