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Re: "non-authenticated" tunneling [Re: draft-durand-v6ops-assisted-tunneling-requirements-00.txt]


On Sun, Apr 25, 2004 at 06:37:03PM +0300, Pekka Savola wrote:
> The question is: would ISPs in general be willing to host a "try-out 
> service" which dependended only on the source IPv4 address of the 
> hosts?
> In other words, would:
>  1) IPv4 source address identification be sufficient for ISPs offering 
>     this "try-out tunneling" to their own customers _only_, and
>  2) same as above, but also to the outsiders (compare to public 6to4 
>     relays, but with IPv6 addresses from your pTLA).
> My guess is that for 1), the answer would be generally "yes", and for 
> 2) generally "no".

Hmmm, for us as "small and somewhat more flexible commercial ISP", your
guess is right.  Offering a "try-this" service for our customers is 
something we regularily do.  

For "the whole world", it's difficult to justify any additional costs 
this might cause, so the typical answer would be "no".

Gert Doering
        -- NetMaster
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