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Re: "non-authenticated" tunneling [Re: draft-durand-v6ops-assisted-tunneling-requirements-00.txt]

What is the desired level of interaction from an ISP with its IPv4 customers
to access the new IPv6 service?

The assumption on the draft is that an ISP may be tempted to offer the service
as a try-out to any of _its_ customer without asking anything, no registration, no fees,
no tracking, no guaranty, no nothing. The so called 'non authenticated' mode
(I should rename this 'non-registered' mode) was design for that.
The draft also made the assumption that for anything more production oriented,
ISPs would like to see some kind of registration, at least for logging perspective.

Supporting two modes of operation certainly add complexity, so the question is,
is it worth it? Is there a real need from ISPs to offer this non registered mode?

- Alain.