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RE: REVIEW NEEDED: draft-durand-v6ops-assisted-tunneling-requirements-00.txt

On Wed, 2004-05-05 at 07:41, Pekka Savola wrote:
> On Tue, 4 May 2004, Christian Huitema wrote:
> > > How widely is IP proto 41 forwarding deployed? If it is not much,
> > > I suppose that forcing an extra layer of encapsulation would
> > > not be that terrible... and also would allow for more than one
> > > tunnel to go through the NAT box.
> > > So, I do not think that detecting NAT proto 41 forwarding is
> > > an important requirement.
> > 
> > You have to be concerned with the case when there are two hosts doing
> > this behind the same NAT. At most one of them will get proto 41
> > connectivity. If one got it and a second tries, the first one will loose
> > it. The support issues are going to be interesting.
> This is a good point to keep in mind, seems to clear call for using
> UDP encapsulation in all the NAT traversal cases by default.  The
> implementations might have a manual means to force using proto-41, but
> even that might be far-fetched.

I suggest that a TB (or any other method for that matter) should support
both proto-41 and udp as an encaps method.

Technically speaking it shouldn't be much of a difference, either the
IPv6 packets come inside proto-41 or inside udp packets.

What actually where the reasons for not using UDP at the time and going
for a seperate protocol that became proto-41?

The same goes for TCP btw, but TCP has inherent latency issues as I have
tested out with tinc (http://tinc.nl.linux.org) but one is able to setup
something like: IPv6 over tinc in TCP over http(s)tunnel and thus repeat
after me "which firewall?" ;) Using UDP is much smoother and doesn't
seem to differ from proto-41 usage and the main advantage is that it
does cross a NAT. As long as source/dest port pairs differ it should not
be a problem to have multiple hosts behind a single NAT and one TB on
the outside either. This is a setup which we are testing in .it btw...


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